Sunday, April 28, 2013

Spring...Well, kind of...

Caleb makes the newspaper for winning the Regional Championship 
match in North Pole

This is just after Caleb's award banquet for West Valley Hockey
He received top JV Forward award and a cutsie thing with all of his stats on it.

Emily and Kara at H2Oasis in Anchorage.
We were there for the State Hockey Tournament in March.

One of my favorite sculptures at the ice park this year :)

Rodd brought this motorbike back from Montana. 
Emily immediately claimed it 
and spray painted it pink and turquoise. 
The colors don't really bother Caleb. He still rides it anyway.

Easter 2013 :)

Emily and I went to masquerade ball in early April.
It was for our secretary's birthday. Lots of fun.
We found these masks at our new Pier One store.

National Junior Honor Society Membership Certificate

Emily's 13th birthday party!
She decided to ice skate again at the Big Dipper.
It's the third year she's done this, but it's perfect because she can invite lots of friends and it's something for both the boys and girls to enjoy.
This is her iphone cake - she made it all.

Emily and the party crew :)
After skating, three stayed the night.
They were up till 3am

Hope you are all well.
Love, hugs and kisses to everyone.