Tuesday, July 21, 2015

New Roof

Old, mossy, roof...

End of day 1

Emily, Cooper and I drove to anchorage to watch Caleb play ball.
We stayed at a campground and showered at Planet Fitness.
Had a good time...
Love watching the boys play ball - they all have such a good time!

Pretty drive home...

Sleepy kids...

Got home to a new roof - all done!
They were fast and it looks great!

See you all this weekend!  Can't believe it's already here :)

Wednesday, July 15, 2015

Happy Birthday, Caleb!

Another glorious day on the River!

Just Em and me this time :)

The birthday boy hard at work on his big day.
We surprised him and showed up for breakfast (he works the morning shift at the Westmark Hotel)
He takes his job (everything really) very seriously, so there are no posed pictures.

Back at home, relaxed, surrounded by his loot and drooling dog (he smells the jerky!)

A typical look for pictures...

Another typical look for pictures - this one he does very well and often.

Ahhhh.... the RARE smile - I love it! :)

Thank you for all the gift cards, $$ and jerky!

Emily wanted to post some "then and now" photos of her and her brother on Instagram so they took a few...

Happy 17th birthday, Caleb!
We love you and are so very proud of you :)

We are off to Anchorage this weekend for baseball, then dun dun dun...
New Orleans - HERE WE COME!!!
Can't wait to see you all. 
Once we get there, we need to figure out how to slow down time!
Brian, you're the inventor... get on that! :)

Tuesday, July 7, 2015

4th of July Weekend

Hello Everyone!
Hope you're having a wonderful summer so far.

Emily and Stephen celebrated their 1 year anniversary on June 24th
Awwww... so cute
They went to the same spot where he asked her to be his sweetie.

The 4th of July weekend found us doing several things over the course of a few days. 
We had a BBQ Friday night on the deck.
Caleb had a ball game Saturday morning then headed out to Harding Lake with a bunch of friends for an overnight. Stormy, here, has chosen her spot for the day :)

The flowers were pretty, so they got photographed.

This is called relationship "art"

Saturday afternoon we headed to Tanana Lake near town.
We didn't see many people we knew, but that was fine by me.  
The kids floated on rafts and I soaked in the sunshine!

And then the burying began...

Sunday was SOOOO smoky, but I wanted to go hike Grapefruit Rocks with Cooper.
We made it to the top!  Not the greatest view :(
We'll have to do it again when it's clear.


Selfie with Coop

On our drive out there I noticed this beautiful gem, so on the way back we stopped to check it out.
It's called Washington Creek and it's my new favorite "happy place" - SO PRETTY.
It's located only 7 miles north of where we used to live on Haystack Mountain and I never knew it existed. Definitely be traveling out there more often.

Monday was another clear, gorgeous day, so we set afloat on the Chena River.
(Laura and Morgan)

(Me, Laura and Morgan)

(Stephen, Laura, Emily Morgan)

This is the walking bridge near Pioneer Park that is a popular jumping off spot.
There's Em, Morgan and Stephen getting ready to plunge...

Off they go....

Laura and I went, too, of course.
 Emily got a great slo-mo film of it, but my technological incompetence deterred me from including it in this blog!
We had a great time, tho:)

19 days and counting!!