Monday, September 5, 2016

End of Summer...

Hello Family :)
Summer flew by in a whirlwind of rain and shine and now we are officially starting our third week of school.

Emily attended cheer camp for the third year. This year earning MVP.

Bob helped me blow insulation in my attic to help balance out the temperature in my house and maybe save a few bucks on heating fuel this winter.
Thank you sweetie :)

Emily was talked into playing summer league.
Glad she did... had a blast and improved lots!
The team was the Arizona Wildcats.

My co-worker was Caleb's third grade teacher. 
She found this when cleaning stuff out at her house...

My tomato plants are FULL of green tomatoes so we tried "fried green tomatoes".
The best part is the "fried" part. 
Not a fan of green tomatoes apparently.

My other co-worker gave Cooper a bag full of squeaky toys.
He made is his ultimate mission to remove the squeaker from each and every one!

The flower was first, 5 more followed!

Emily's cheer team cheers on the freshman at ignition day.

The next day was her first official day.
She is a driving junior. 
I've enjoyed driving her around whenever she's needed to go for the past 16 years, but what a difference when she can do it herself!!

She chose "Mortzy" as her license plate.
It's what the coaches have called Caleb since his was 9.
Now, she's taking it over.

And then we took Caleb to the airport...
Sad day, but a wonderful new adventure for him.
He is having a great time with his new hockey brothers and billet family.

The fruits of my labor.
My sweet pea plants are AWESOME! 

Coco gets another shave...

Labor Day camping at Olnes Pond
Autzen (Bob's dog) and Cooper

Bob, Emily,  Morgan and Annie (Morgan's dog)

Cooper and the girls...

Bob and Coco

It was a beautiful night for roasting hotdogs and marshmallows. 
We even played a little hand and foot. 
It didn't start raining until we woke up.
Super fun packing up soggy:)